Rugby St Andrews
Banns from 1766 to 1783

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If you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.

Adkins, Allibone, Arlidge, Attkins, Baggot, Bailey, Banks, Barnett, Barrs, Batchelor, Baxter,
Belcher, Bennett, Bromwich, Brooks, Brown, Brown ?, Bunting, Burton,
Cashmore, Chamberlain, Chambers, Checkley, Childs, Clark, Clarke, Cosby, Crisp,
Dalton, Elliott, Elson, Enser, Evans, Facer, Fisher, Fletcher, Gibbs, Gibson, Goode, Green,
Hankinson, Harnot, Harrawell, Harris, Harrod, Havel, Hemmingway, Heskit, Hewit, Hewitt,
Hirons, Honey, Horn, Hough, Hume, Hunt, Irons, James, Johnson,
Ladbrook, Landon, Lea, Leashman, Lilly, Lindon, Lines,
Mason, Masters, Miller, Moor, Mott, Murwood, Newman, Norman, Norton, Onely, Orton,
Palmer, Parker, Pepperdy, Pinder, Pollard, Powell, Powers, Price, Proctor,
Richardson, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Satchel, Shakespear, Shepherd, Smith, Sparrow, Steain,
Tarver, Taylor, Tee, Tew, Thornicroft, Treen, Turner,
Watson, Watts, Webb, Welch, West, White, Whitrin, Wood, Yates,

Allebone, Allibone, Asterlin, Attkins, Baggott, Bailey, Barker, Batchelor, Bates, Baxter,
Bennett, Boet ?, Botton, Boughton, Bromwich, Brown, Bushel,
Carvil, Cave, Chambers, Clark, Clarke, Cole, Collins, Commander, Cowley, Crisp,
Davies, Davis, Dent, Dod, Douglas, Dovey, Edmonds, Elson, Farn, Flavel, Flint, Freer,
Gare, Garrett, Gibson, Giddens, Glenn, Goddard, Goode, Green, Greenaway, Guest,
Harris, Harrod, Hill, Hiorns, Hobly, Hodgess ?, Hurley, Kilburn, Killpack,
Ladbrook, Liggins, Lindon, Maho, Manton, Masters, Middleton, Miller, Neal, North,
Palmer, Parker, Perkins, Pescoue ?, Petsham, Powers, Prince, Purcy, Radbbourn, Richardson, Russell, Rutlidge,
Sanders, Satchell, Sedgley, Shell, Slater, Sparrow, Spicer, Stean, Stoney, Stretton, Stubbs,
Thomson, Topham, Townsend, Tub, Van, Wallis, Waters, Watkins, Watson,
Watts, Welch, Westley, Whitehead, Whiteman, Willmore, Wooding, Wright, ,

Rugby St Andrews BANNS 1766 - 1783

No Date Groom, Status, Abode Bride, Status, Abode Notes
77January/February 1766James BENNETT, None given, OTPSarah HILL, None given, OTP
78April/May 1766Thomas POLLARD, Batchelor, OTPSusannah GREENAWAY, Spinster, OTP
79August/September 1766Alexander HUME, None given, Coton House in the Parish of ChurchoverAnna BOUGHTON, Spinster, OTP
80September 1766Thomas BROMWICH, Widower, OTPMary RICHARDSON, Spinster, OTP
81September 1766William BROWN ?, Batchelor, OTPMary PESCOUE ?, Spinster, of Woolston
82September/October 1766Edward ROGERS, Widower, OTPAnn HARRIS, Spinster, OTP
83October/November 1766Robert WHITRIN, Widower, OTPMary THOMSON, Spinster, OTP
84October/November 1766Thomas MILLER, Widower, OTPElizabeth ASTERLIN, Widow, OTP
85February/March 1767John BARRS, Batchelor, OTPMartha WATKINS, Spinster, OTP
86April/May 1767Thomas CASHMORE, Batchelor, of St Michael’s CoventryPeulliner HODGESS ?, Spinster, OTP
87July 1767William WOOD, Batchelor, of DunchurchMary ELSON, Spinster, OTP
88September 1767Jeremiah TAYLOR, Batchelor, OTPMary HARRIS, Spinster, OTP
89September/October 1767William THORNICROFT, Batchelor, OTPMary SATCHELL, Spinster, OTP
90November/December 1767Ephraim PARKER, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth BATCHELOR, Spinster, OTP
91December 1767Thomas BAGGOT, Widower, of Easenhall in Parish of Monks KirbyMary WRIGHT, Spinster, OTP
92October/November 1768Jonathon BARNETT, Widower, of WithybrookAnn LINDON, Widow, OTP
93November/December 1768Richard ADKINS, None given, OTPLydia SEDGLEY, None given, of Shswell
94November/December 1768James ROBINSON, Batchelor, OTPHannah HOBLY, Spinster, of Clifton
95January 1769William LINES, Widower, OTPMary GODDARD, Widow, OTP
96March 1769Luke PROCTOR, Batchelor, OTPAnn MASTERS, Spinster, OTPRead once only
97March 1769John ORTON, Batchelor, OTPMsry GOODE, Spinster, OTP
98March/April 1769John MILLER, Batchelor, OTPMary RUSSELL, Spinster, OTP
99March/April 1769Benjamin HARROD, Batchelor, OTPMary ALLEBONE, Spinster, OTP
100April 1769Joseph HANKINSON, Batchelor, OTPHannah DOD, Spinster, OTP
101September 1769Thomas COSBY, Batchelor, OTPHannah BARKER, Spinster, OTP
102November/December 1769Samuel WEST, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth DOD, Spinster, OTP
103December 1769Thomas NORTON, Batchelor, of HillmortonAnn GLENN, Spinster, OTP
104July 1770Francis CHAMBERS, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth KILLPACK, Spinster, OTP
105July/August 1770Francis HARRAWELL, Batchelor, OTPSarah KILBURN, Spinster, OTP
106October 1770John CHAMBERLAIN, Batchelor, of LutterworthSarah GUEST, Spinster, OTPRead twice only
107November/December 1770William ROBBINS, Widower, OTPMary WILLMORE, Spinster, OTP
108December 1770William TEE, Widower, OTPSarah BOET ?, None given, OTP
109January/February 1771James GIBBS, Batchelor, OTPAnn WATSON, Spinster, OTP
110April 1771William PALMER, Batchelor, OTPJudith LADBROOK, Spinster, OTP
111June/July 1771John PRICE, Batchelor, OTPRebeccah DAVIES, Spinster, OTP
112July 1771Thomas MOOR, Widower, OTPPenelope BROWN, Spinster, OTPRead twice only
113August 1771Richard HARRIS, Widower, of FoleshillElizabeth CLARKE, Widow, OTP
114August/September 1771William TARVER, Widower, OTPMary BROWN, Widow, OTP
115September 1771Timothy LADBROOK, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth TUB, Spinster, OTPRead once only
116September/October 1771Joseph BUNTING, Widower, OTPElizabeth WELCH, Widow, OTP
117September/October 1771William GOODE, Batchelor, of Leamington HastingsMary BAXTER, Spinster, OTP
118December 1771John TEW, Batchelor, of St Michael’s CoventryPriscilla CLARK, Spinster, OTP
119December/January 1771/72Jacob PARKER, Batchelor, OTPLydia CARVIL, Spinster, of Hillmorton
120January 1772Edward YATES, Batchelor, OTPHannah SPARROW, Widow, OTP
121January/February 1772Daniel CHILDS, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth DOUGLAS, Spinster, OTPRead twice only
122February/March 1772James BANKS, Widower, OTPMary ATTKINS, Spinster, OTP
123April 1772Thomas RICHARDSON, Batchelor, OTPMary COLLINS, Spinster, OTP
124April/May 1772Thomas MOTT, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth MILLER, Spinster, OTP
125June 1772Thomas WATTS, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth STRETTON, Spinster, OTP
126July 1772Joseph SHAKESPEAR, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth STEAN, Spinster, of Shilton
127July/August 1772Richard CHECKLEY, Batchelor, OTPAnn GOODE, Spinster, OTP
128August 1772Thomas LEASHMAN, None given, None GivenHannah PETSHAM, None given, None given
129September/October 1772Thomas ELLIOTT, Batchelor, OTPMary CHAMBERS, Spinster, OTP
130October 1772John BAILEY, Widower, OTPCatherine TOPHAM, Spinster, OTP
131October/November 1772Abraham PARKER, Batchelor, OTPMary DOUGLAS, Spinster, OTP
132October/November 1772George BATCHELOR, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth ALLIBONE, Spinster, OTP
133November 1772Thomas NORMAN, Batchelor, of BiltonAnn COMMANDER, Spinster, OTPRead once only
134November/December 1772John HEMMINGWAY, Batchelor, OTPCatherine WESTLEY, Spinster, OTP
135December 1772John GIBSON, Batchelor, OTPMartha HARROD, Spinster, OTPRead once only
136March 1773John HESKIT, Batchelor, OTPFrances HILL, Spinster, OTP
137April 1773Joseph WHITE, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth DOVEY, Spinster, OTP
138April 1773Richard JOHNSON, Batchelor, OTPPriscilla BROMWICH, Spinster, OTP
139June 1773Thomas LANDON, Batchelor, OTPMary FLAVEL, Spinster, OTP
140June/July 1773William POWELL, Widower, OTPMary NEAL, Spinster, OTP
141June/July 1773Thomas BROOKS, Batchelor, OTPAnn PRINCE, Spinster, OTP
142August 1773John SHEPHERD, Batchelor, OTPCatherine SLATER, Spinster, OTP
143October 1773Thomas HORN, Batchelor, OTPAnn BUSHEL, Spinster, of Eathrop in Parish of Wappenbury
144October 1773Richard ALLIBONE, Widower, OTPMary FARN, Widow, OTP
145October 1773John ATTKINS, Widower, OTPCatherine GIDDENS, Spinster, OTP
146October 1773Joseph PEPPERDY, Widower, OTPHannah COLE, Spinster, OTPRead twice only
147October/November 1773John HAVEL, Batchelor, of BiltonElizabeth PERKINS, Spinster, OTP
148November 1773Jesse FLETCHER, Batchelor, OTPAnn BOTTON, Spinster, OTPRead once only
149November/December 1773Edmund HARNOT, Batchelor, of Newbold-upon-AvonAnn MAHO, Spinster, OTP
150December 1773William ENSER, Widower, OTPAnn GIBSON, Spinster, OTP
151May 1774William BROMWICH, Widower, OTPSusanna DAVIS, Spinster, OTP
152May 1774Richard WATTS, Widower, of HillmortonMartha PRINCE, Widow, OTP
153June 1774Timothy LADBROOK, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth STUBBS, Spinster, OTP
154June 1774Edward GREEN, Batchelor, OTPMary PRINCE, Spinster, OTP
155October 1774William TARVER, Batchelor, OTPAnn TOWNSEND, Spinster, OTP
156November/December 1774John HONEY, Batchelor, OTPElisabeth WALLIS, Spinster, of West Haddon
157December 1774William HIRONS, Widower, OTPAnn NORTH, Spinster, of Lutterworth
158January 1775John GIBSON, Batchelor, OTPMartha HARROD, Spinster, OTP
159June/July 1775John MASON, Batchelor, OTPJane RUTLIDGE, Spinster, OTP
160July 1775John WEBB, Batchelor, of NewboldMary LIGGINS, Spinster, OTP
161August 1775Thomas BATCHELOR, Batchelor, OTPMary LADBROOK, Spinster, OTP
162October 1775Thomas EVANS, None given, of Stretton upon DunsmoreMary PALMER, Spinster, OTP
163January 1776John LILLY, Widower, OTPJane BROMWICH, Widow, OTP
164July 1776Henry BROMWICH, Batchelor, OTPSarah GARRETT, Spinster, OTPRead once only
165July/August 1776William SATCHEL, Batchelor, OTPAnn BATCHELOR, Spinster, OTP
166October/November 1776William POWERS, Batchelor, of CathorpeSarah FLINT, Spinster, OTP
167February/March 1777John HUNT, Widower, of Long Lawford in Parish of NewboldSarah BROWN, Spinster, OTP
168March 1777Thomas WATTS, Batchelor, OTPMary VAN, Spinster, OTP
169April 1777Edward HOUGH, Batchelor, OTPSarah COWLEY, Spinster, Crick
170June/July 1777William FISHER, Batchelor, OTPAnn EDMONDS, Spinster, OTP
171September/October 1777Thomas FACER, Batchelor, OTPAnn FREER, Spinster, of Yelvertoft
172October 1777John CLARKE, Batchelor, OTPMary PALMER, Spinster, OTP
173October/November 1777William LANDON, Batchelor, of RugbyAnn BAGGOTT, Spinster, of Rugby
174November 1777James NEWMAN, Batchelor, of Great Borton in Parish of Cropredy OxfordshireMary SHELL, Spinster, OTP
175November 1777Thomas HEWIT, Batchelor, OTPFrances HARRIS, None given, OTP
176March/April 1778John WELCH, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth DENT, Spinster, OTP
177June/July 1778Thomas PINDER, Batchelor, OTPAnn SANDERS, None given, of Crick Northamptonshire
178June/July 1778Thomas BURTON, None given, OTPMary BATES, Spinster, OTP
179August 1778William ORTON, Batchelor, OTPHannah MASTERS, Spinster, OTP
180January/February 1779Thomas TEW, Batchelor, of Newton in Parish of CliftonAnn MILLER, Spinster, OTP
181August/September 1779William BATCHELOR, Batchelor, OTPAnn MIDDLETON, Spinster, OTP
182October/November 1779John BARNETT, Widower, of HillmortonAnn BAXTER, Spinster, OTP
183December 1779John LINDON, Batchelor, OTPMary GREEN, None given, OTP
184April 1780Samuel STEAIN, None given, of BinleyMary WHITEHEAD, Spinster, OTP
185April 1780John SPARROW, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth WOODING, None given, of Blakesley Northamptonshire
186May/June 1780Joseph IRONS, Widower, OTPJane HURLEY, Widow, OTP
187May/June 1780Thomas BAXTER, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth CAVE, Spinster, OTP
188June/July 1780James WATSON, Batchelor, OTPEleanor BENNETT, Spinster, OTP
189June 1780Edward CLARK, Batchelor, OTPMary BENNETT, Spinster, OTPRead once only
190October 1780William ARLIDGE, Widower, of HillmortonSarah CRISP, Spinster, of RugbyRead once only
191November 1780Edward TREEN, Batchelor, OTPRebecca GARE, Spinster, OTP
192December 1780John MASTERS, Batchelor, OTPRuth BAILEY, Spinster, OTP
193April 1781John ONELY, Widower, OTPMary WHITEMAN, Spinster, OTP
194May 1781Edward CLARK, Batchelor, OTPMary BENNETT, Spinster, OTPRead twice only
195April 1782Marmaduke ELSON, Widower, OTPElizabeth SPICER, Spinster, OTP
196August/September 1782Samuel DALTON, Batchelor, OTPMary POWERS, None given, of Church Lawford
197No month given 1782William CRISP, Widower, of LilbournHannah RADBBOURN, Widow, OTP
198November/December 1782Thomas MILLER, Widower, OTPJane HIORNS, Widow, OTP
199January 1783Edward BROMWICH, Widower, OTPMary MANTON, Widow, OTP
200February/March 1783Henry HEWITT, Batchelor, OTPAnn WRIGHT, Spinster, OTP
201March 1783John BELCHER, Batchelor, of St Mary in the Borough of WarwickElizabeth BROWN, Spinster, OTP
202March 1783Henry SMITH, Batchelor, of HillmortonElizabeth WATTS, Spinster, OTP
203April/May 1783Christopher LEA, Widower, OTPElizabeth STONEY, Widow, OTP
204May 1783John BROWN, Batchelor, OTPHannah PARKER, Spinster, OTP
205September 1783John TURNER, Batchelor, OTPAnna Maria PURCY, Spinster, OTP
206October/November 1783John MURWOOD, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth BROWN, Spinster, OTP
207December 1783Henry JAMES, Batchelor, OTPElizabeth WATERS, Spinster, OTP

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